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Barber County

Thank You Heart

Thank You

The Barber County Fair is always an amazing experience.  Older members openly share their knowledge with younger members.  Parents, members, open class exhibitors all learn from the judges.  We don't have to always agree with the judges to be able to learn from them.

It is impossible to count the number of volunteers and volunteer hours that it takes to make the Barber County Fair a success.   But here are some numbers to consider:

2 - the number of Rodeo Performances

7 - the number of groups that set up & cleaned up the Fair Grounds (South Barber FFA & 6 4-H Clubs)

32 - the number of hours the 4-H building & open class building have volunteers sitting in them.  

64 - the number of premium sale and added money checks written

72 - the number of times a roll of toilet paper was changed

82 - the number of entries the Homemaker of the Year entered in Open Class

506 - the number of 4-H and FFA Exhibits

804 - the number of Open Class Exhibits

These are just a few of the numbers.  Associated with the Barber County Fair.  The volunteer hours are countless that make this event possible each year.  Thank you for the roles you play in making this event possible.  Here's to 102 in July of 2023!