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Barber County

Social Media Connections

Barber County Extension maintains a Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/barbercountyextension) and a Facebook Group for 4-H (https://www.facebook.com/groups/BarberExtension).  

The Facebook Page will include a wide variety of posts related to all things Extension.  The Group is more focused on 4-H topics and reminders.  

While every attempt is made to put details in the newsletter, there are times we recieve short notice on events, activities, or deadlines.  Sometimes, we have simply failed to get the newsletter completed this summer.  

We know that only 55% of emails containing the links for the newsletter are opened, on a good month.  We depend on club leaders and families to help keep each other informed on what is going on in 4-H.  

Other places to find us on social media include YouTube and Podcasts.  There is a growing catalog of videos available on our YouTube Channel

Justin has also developed a Podcast called The County Agent.  You can search where you listen to podcasts.  On Spotify, it can be found at this link.