Standing Rules for Barber County 4-H
Edited 11/18/2022
- Follow the State Requirements as to the Membership, Bronze, Clover, Emerald, Silver, Silver Guard, Leadership, Gold, Gold Guard, and Key Awards.
- 4-H enrollment is due by December 1st for 4-H'ers who have been in 4-H the past 4-H club year. Enrollment of past members not received by December 1st will make that individual ineligible for the Barber County Fair. Records for projects not dropped by May 1st must be completed.
- The enrollment for new members and the changes in the old member's enrollment should be made by the First of May.
- That the Community Leaders make up the Trips & Awards Committee to screen the County Champions and Honorable Mentions. If a Community Leader is unable to attend for the record book screening, they will assign a Project Leader to take their place.
- The County Commissioners, members of the Chamber of Commerce, and the donors to 4-H be invited as guests to the Achievement Banquet.
- The 4-H Council officers and agents assign all committees for 4-H events.
- That the Junior and Senior Divisions be divided as follows for Crops, Meats, Livestock, Land, Pasture, Range Judging and Home Economics Judging:
- 4-H'ers who are not 13 years of age as of January 1st will judge in the Jr. Division, and 4-H'ers who are 13 years of age and over as of January 1st will judge in the Sr. Division.
- There will be a Junior Division for 7 - 9 years of age, an Intermediate Division for 10-13 years of age, and a Senior Division for ages 14 and over in Crops, Meats and FACS Judging.
- Teams are made up of four people, boy or girl. Individual scores will be recorded, with the top four people in the county making up the state team. Two alternates will also be chosen for the State contest. To be eligible for the State contest, a 4-H'er must compete at two contests or work outs in the county.
- Guidelines for the selection of County Champions and Honorable Mentions:
- There will be three age divisions for County Champion: 7-9, 10-13 and 14 and over by January 1 of current year. The state project report forms will be used for the appropriate age groups. Senior County Champions will receive a medal. Intermediate & Junior County Champions will receive a certificate.
- When a 4-H'er is being considered for County Champion, it will be on the current year.
- The Reporter's, Secretary's, and Treasurer's books will be considered in selecting the 4-H clubs for white, red, blue or purple seals.
- Barber County 4-H'ers must attend (8) 4-H club meetings before they are eligible to be selected for County Champion unless they are attending a special education school, abnormal sickness or a freshman in college, or all 4-H events.
- In order to receive a County Champion, members must submit an entirely completed 4-H record book. This includes: Personal Page (with 4-H Story); Permanent Records; and a Project Report Form for each project in which the member is enrolled for that current year.
- The members that are 13 years of age by January 1st of the coming 4-H year and enrolled in the Leadership project may join the county Jr. Leadership club. Members of any age may carry Leadership as a project, but only work in their own 4-H club.
- 4-H youth representatives have a vote at 4-H Council. Leaders act as advisors only. Maximum of 2 youth representatives from each club.
- Clothing and woodworking items made in school for a grade can be counted as a 4-H project, and school projects such as woodworking, clothing and books read at school may be exhibited in the 4-H Division.
- Books read in school for a grade can be counted in 4-H Reading project.
- The vocal solos, instrumental solos, and piano solos will be divided into junior and senior divisions. The junior division will be for the youth 7 to 12 years of age, and the senior division will be from 13 years of age and over as of January 1st. Chorus, vocal ensemble, instrumental ensemble, and dance will not be broken into age divisions. The judges will choose two overall in speaking divisions and one in the talent sections to go to the Regional 4-H Club Day.
- All market animals for the Barber County Fair must be tagged with the official tag by the dates that are set by the Extension Office that are closest to 80 days for Hogs, Sheep, Meat Goats, and Bucket Calves, and 130 days for Market Beef, before county fair dates. All livestock going out of county must be identified by the dates set by the State 4-H shows which is generally May 1 for Beef and June 15 for Sheep, Hogs, and Meat Goats. However these dates may change. All breeding animals for the Barber County Fair must be tagged with the official tag by the May tagging deadline.
- 4-H membership is available to all youth between the ages of 7 and 18 by January 1st of that 4-H year.
- Barber County 4-H membership is open to all youth irrespective of race, color, national origin, sex, or religion.
- Barber County 4-H Council will sponsor money for the Junior and Senior Division 4-H Stories (1st - $10.00; 2nd - $7.00; 3rd - $5.00).
- The 4-H club year will start October 1st.
- Barber County 4-H Council will hold four (4) 4-H Council meetings each year. They will be held as follows: 4th Monday of September, November (following Achievement Banquet), February and May.
- All record books must be turned in to community leaders; no record book will be accepted by the Extension Office except from the community leaders. Record books that were not signed by the leader in this case would not be considered incomplete.
- There will be a class for 4-H record books at the county fair.
- In order to exhibit at the Barber County Fair, 4-H members must attend at least half of their community club=s meetings. If a new member joins during the year, they are required to attend at least half of the remaining meetings in order to exhibit at the Barber County Fair.
- In order to receive a membership seal annually, 4-H members must: complete Personal Page (including 4-H Story), complete Permanent Records, and attend at least half of their community club’s meetings.