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Barber County

Upcoming Dates

February 12 - Club Days starting around 9:00 A.M. 

February 19 - YQCA

February 20-21 - Citizenship In Action

February 28 - 4-H Council Meeting 

March 1 - Kansas 4-H Scholarship Applications Due

March 5 - Kansas Junior Beef Producer Day

March 19 - Regional Club Day

March 19 - Kansas Junior Sheep Producer Day

May 1 - New Members Enrollment Deadline to show at Fair

May 1 - Drop & Add Project Deadline for ALL Members

May 1 - Horse Papers Deadline

June 3-12 - Citizenship Washington Focus

July 28-31 - Barber County Fair

Club Day 2022

On February 12, at the South Barber High School starting at 9:00 A.M. for in person participation. 

Below is the Club Day Guideline Book.  It includes details of each possible entry and score sheets.  Print copies are available upon request from the Extension Office. 

Results will be posted on this page by Tuesday, February 15.  

Regional Club Day

March 19 at Medicine Lodge High School 

The group of agents from Barber, Comanche, Harper, Kingman, and Kiowa counties decided that we can safely hold a Regional Club Day event.  This year, it will be at the Medicine Lodge High School.  The schedule will most likely start around 9:00 A.M. on March 19.  

Tagging Information

Deadlines for Tagging County Fair Livestock Projects and Horse Papers.

Insect Art Contest

It's time once again for K-State's Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Insect Art Contest!  This year's them is “The Benefit of Insects”.  The goal is to capture in an art piece that insects benefit us as a society and why they are important.

Kansas 4-H Scholarships

Kansas 4-H is now accepting applications for numerous scholarships available to youth.


We will be having a Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) class on February 19, 2022 in Kiowa, KS. The class will begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 11:00 am.

Kansas Junior Beef Producer Day

The 2022 Kansas Junior Beef Producer Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 5. We are excited to return to in-person programming for the KSU junior producer day events! 

Kansas Junior Sheep Producer Day

The 2022 Kansas Junior Sheep Producer Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 19. We are excited to return to in-person programming for the KSU junior producer day events! 

Shooting Sports Instructor Certification Training

Level 1 Shooting Sports Instructor and Apprentice Certification Training will be held March 25th-27th at Rock Springs 4-H Center. 

Hosting Japanese Exchange Summer 2022

Host a new friend from Japan in your home this summer, mid-July – mid-August. Kansas 4-H International Exchange Programs are offering hosting opportunities for 25- 30 families this summer. Host families are needed who would be willing to host a Japanese boy or girl. 

Record Book Roundup

Monthly suggestions on steps to be taking with the new Project Report Forms to complete your Record Book.  

Reporter's Corner

All Club Reporter's Notes can be published in this section of the Online News.  To be published, the notes should be sent to jsrucker@ksu.edu by the 20th of each month.