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Barber County

Upcoming Dates

Mar. 7 - Virtual SWYLF via Zoom, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Mar. 8 - Junior Meat Goat Producer Week Registration Deadline

Mar. 15-20 - Junior Meat Goat Producer

Mar. 26 - Horse Panorama Digital Uploads open

Mar. 28 - Walk Kansas Begins

April 10 - 4-H Club Day

Apr. 7 - Horse Panorama Digital Uploads close

Apr. 10-14 - Horse Panorama- Public Speaking, Demonstration, & Project Talks- Zoom with judges by scheduled date/time. Sign-ups will be available.

Apr. 10 - Horse Panorama- Hippology

Apr. 10 - Horse Panorama- Quiz Bowl Preliminaries via Qualtrics

Apr. 11 - Horse Panorama- Quiz Bowl Finals via Zoom

Apr. 23 - State 4-H Horse Judging Contest

Apr. 30 - Camp Forms Due 

May 1 - Drop/Add Deadline for 2021 4-H Projects

May 1 - Breeding Beef Tagging Deadline

May 1 - Bucket Calf Tagging Deadline

May 1 - Meat Goats Tagging Deadline

May 1 - Sheep Tagging Deadline

May 1 - Swine Tagging Deadline 

May 1 - Horse Papers Deadline

May 1 - Drop and Project Deadline

May 1 - Photography- Shutterbugs at Botanica

May 8 - Photography- Shutterbugs at the Zoo

May 22 - Walk Kansas Concludes

May 24 - 4-H Council Meeting 

June 1-4 - 4-H Discovery Days

June 21-24 - Heart of Kansas Camp

July 22-25 - Barber County Fair

Oct. 9 - Photography- Shutterbugs at Big Creek

Nov. 6 - Photography- Shutterbugs at Old Jefferson Town

Club Days Details

Clubs Days will be on April 10, 2021, at the South Barber High School starting at 9:00 A.M. for in person participation.  All guidelines for safety that are current at the time will be followed.  This will be announced in the April News Updates. For those members who would like to submit a virtual presentation in place of attending on April 10, this is available.  Videos of presentations will need to be uploaded to a google drive by April 6.  Details in full article.  

Kansas 4-H Discovery Days

Kansas 4-H Discovery Days will be delivered virtually in 2021. The event will be held on June 1-4th, 2021. 

State 4-H Horse Judging Contest

The State 4-H Horse Judging Contest has been rescheduled to Friday, April 23rd in Hutchinson at the Kansas State Fairgrounds.

State 4-H Horse Panorama

State 4-H Horse Panorama will be virtual in 2021. In partnership with the Horse Action Team, we will be moving all divisions of Panorama to a virtual format.

Tagging Deadlines

May 1 for Sheep, Goats, Swine, Bucket Calves, and Breeding Heifers.  Justin has prepared a video to help.     

Kansas 4-H Policy Updated 

All 4-H related programs and activities should be supervised by at least two adult approved and screened volunteers.


*Updated 3-12-21* Rock Springs Camp 2021

4-H Camp at Rocks Springs is a go for 2021.  However, participation will be limited and masks will be required during most activies.  See the article for full details.  

Photography Judging Contest

The Kansas State 4-H Photography Action Team designed an online Photography Judging Contest.  Barber County will offer this contest from March 1 through April 11.  This will replace the judging contest previously held during Club Days. 

Photography Events

Shutterbug events are photography workshops put on across the state by the Kansas State 4-H Photography Action Team.

Club News

All Club Reporter's Notes can be published in this section of the Online News.  To be published, the notes should be sent to jsrucker@ksu.edu by the 20th of each month.